Phew! Where does all the time go? Sorry I haven't posted in millennia, I've
been largely occupied with the final stage of my secret plan. What secret
plan, you ask? Ah, well that'll have to be a secret a little longer. But I
This morning a thought struck me, which is rather ironic considering it was
to do with all the other thoughts that strike me so often. The gist of the
matter is that I appear to have a remarkable, if distinctly annoying,
propensity to realise things that, actually, I had already realised not long
beforehand. In other words, realisation déjà vu.
If you're still confused - and judging by my general shortcomings in coherent
ability, I wouldn't blame you - a case in point is my examination technique.
Let me run you through it:
1. Receive exam.
2. Do first few questions. Pretty easy.
3. Look at questions coming up, and see that they're very difficult.
4. Panic and stall.
As techniques go, it's pretty bad, but that's not the point. The point is
that every time it happens I treat it as an utterly new revelation. I never,
ever, ever, ever, EVER think to myself: 'Hmm, I'm sure I've realised this
before.' And the thing is, it happens all the time, with everything I do.
When I do something I do often, I always think: 'Well I sure do this a lot.'
Always. Without fail. I know afterwards what I've done, but it doesn't stop
So remember, be very careful with what you think. You just might not be able
to stop thinking it. Hmm, I'm sure I've told you that before...
25 April 2008
Deja vu (again)
0 remarks Blogged by JakeC at 4/25/2008 11:32:00 am
06 April 2008
Let it snow!
Would you believe it? More snow! Where's it all coming from? Just in case you need proof, I've provided some photos. There's also some pics of my recent visit to Chedworth Roman villa. A small but exquisite section of the mosaic found at the villa. Some of the remaining walls, still in surprisingly good condition. Footprints in the snow (sorry this is not rotated!) My rather inappropriate choice of footwear.
2 remarks Blogged by JakeC at 4/06/2008 09:13:00 pm Topics: attractions, holidays, pictures
01 April 2008
April Fool!
This being the day of jokes, tricks and other such tomfoolery, I think I may as well write a little about this year's festivities as far as I am aware of them. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun!
- Flying Penguins: This BBC documentary preview dispels the common myth that penguins are incapable of aviation. Who would have thought it?
- Gmail custom time: Make your emails arrive whenever you like. Never be too late again!
- Wikipedia's Manic Main Page: The famous open reference site goes a bit batty today. Take a look at the 'On this day...' section in particular.
- A whole lot more...
N.B: I'm also a mite suspicious about Google's new 'Google Weblogs' feature, as mentioned on Blogger Buzz. Can anyone shed any light on this?
0 remarks Blogged by JakeC at 4/01/2008 08:06:00 pm Topics: holidays, weird and wonderful