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23 March 2009

Just Say No

Okay, I think I've just reached the bounds of normal, sane behaviour. Everything strange I've ever done up to this point pretty much pales into insignificance compared with what's happening now. Fact is, I'm addicted...

...but not to something believable or reasonable, oh no. Not drugs, not alcohol, not smoking: nothing near as predictable as that. You promise not to laugh if I tell you?


All right, you can laugh now. Yes, it's utterly ridiculous. But oddly enough, it's true. I find myself in the unusual position that if I haven't had a dried apricot in a while, I start craving them. Worse than that: I start needing them. It's as though an apricot-shaped hole suddenly develops in me.

Am I crazy? Or am I just one of many who suffer insatiable appetites for otherwise mundane objects? If there are others, are they crazy as well? Are you one of these people, and do you consider yourself crazy? Answers on a postcard! (Or preferably a comment, given the speed (or lack thereof) of the postal service.)