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01 January 2010

The four-word post...

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Happy New Year!
    I'm gleeful in the thought that I was in the new year before you. :)

  2. Blast! That's the only bad thing about time-zones I can think of: the Antipodeans always get there before we do.

  3. Haha! So is it true that you still using regular on-the-ground cars? We converted to flying ones... oh, ages ago.

  4. We decided against flying cars for efficiency reasons. Instead we converted our old railway lines into a nationwide monorail system powered by nuclear fusion (which we discovered in 1728 but kept secret for over two centuries).

  5. We initially decided against flying cars as well, but fortunately the efficiency issues were ironed out (scientists discovered that dried apricots are an excellent source of renewable energy). As for the monorail, we decided riding kangaroos was a better mode of transport.

  6. Unfortunately, neither kangaroos nor dried apricots were deemed a viable solution in the damp and miserable climes of the United Kingdom, as all the apricots would be rehydrated by rain (eliminating any efficiency increase) and all the kangaroos would catch cold. So until teleportation becomes commercially viable (at the moment it's only available to the exceedingly rich), we're stuck with the crummy nuclear monorail. C'est la vie.

  7. Damn those exceedingly rich. They always get everything before us!

  8. That's why they're exceedingly rich. They can predict stock prices and play the markets accordingly. Damn them.

  9. Or they inherit money, which is even worse. I mean it just falls into their laps!

  10. Unless they displease their rich relatives, in which case they get cut off* from their inheritance.

    *Or, as an exceedingly rich and upper-class person would say, 'cat orf'.

  11. Yes, thats what happened to me. So I dropped my elocution lessons, and am back to pronouncing cut off, as cut off.

  12. You reverted back to your original voice? They can't have been very good elocution lessons, then.

  13. Well yeah, its the future. Everythings gotten crummier.
