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12 March 2008

Dragon Building for Dummies

For a little while, I had wondered what I was going to talk about. And then,
it occurred to me:

Dragon tails!

No, I'm not mad. Or rather I am usually, but not this time. No, I'm going to
tell you how to make the tails of dragons, the perfect props for any play (so
long as it involves chopping the extremities of large fictional lizards).

You will need:
Lots of chicken wire
Lots of patience
Lots of Mod-Roc

N.B: Mod-Roc is a cotton mesh coated in a substance that, when wetted and
left to dry, works just like plaster of Paris. It's a lot easier to use than
the normal stuff, because it comes in huge long sheets. And it's brilliant.

What to do:
1. Take a fair amount of chicken wire and roll it into a cone or tail shape.
2. Secure the shape by snipping the wire and twisting it around itself.
3. Cut off a piece of Mod-Roc in a size that suits your needs.
4. Stick your Mod-Roc onto the chicken wire where you want it.
5. At the edges of your piece of Mod-Roc, tuck it into the chicken wire so it
doesn't dangle down too badly.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the top part of the chicken wire is finished.
7. Turn over when dry.
8. Repeat 3-5 yet again on bottom part until finished.
9. Over the open end of the cone, drape more pieces of wet Mod-Roc.
10. When dry, completely cover open end.
11. Paint when completely dried.

Optionally, you can also glue on cardboard spines before painting and put
Mod-Roc on these, too.

So if you ever need the tail chopping off a dragon, you know what to do!

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